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Attendance Procedure Updates

Students will be considered “virtually present” if they meet a minimum criteria for participation at least once per instructional week. There are a variety of measures that may be used to determine if a student participated online, virtual at-home, blended or competency-based learning, including, but not limited to:

1) evidence that validates student learning,

2) evidence that validates student participation,

3) evidence that validates student communication or

4) duration/frequency minimums for student participation.

Students who fail to meet the minimum criteria for “virtually present” will be marked as absent for the entire week. Attendance will be taken on Fridays weekly for Asynchronous students and during daily Zoom for Synchronous students. 

AA432 – Student Attendance and Teacher Disclosure Statements  Utah Compulsory Attendance Law 53G-6-202

Attendance Policy Goals: The Kelsey Peak Middle School attendance policy will help students achieve success in their courses as well as accomplish the following goals:

  • Develop student responsibility
  • Develop quality citizenship
  • Increase respect for teachers, other students, and learning
  • Prepare for future employment

Attendance Responsibilities:

The Role of the School and Administration

  • The administration shall identify students with attendance issues and work cooperatively with parents and students to improve attendance.
  • The administration shall make an earnest and persistent effort to improve student attendance.

The Role of the Attendance Office

  • The attendance office shall keep administrators and parents informed of attendance problems.
  • The attendance office shall notify parents of excessive absenteeism by phone message, calling machine, or letter.
  • The attendance office shall review attendance daily and resolve discrepancies in student attendance records.
  • The attendance office shall provide check-in/check-out slips upon authorization by a student’s parent/guardian.

The Role of the Teacher

  • Teachers shall keep an accurate roll of all absences and tardies.
  • Teachers shall emphasize the importance of punctuality by beginning class promptly with meaningful instruction.
  • Teachers shall discuss attendance issues with students as they arise and inform the school administration if attendance does not improve.
  • Teachers shall begin class with a “starter” to gain student focus.

The Role of the Student

  • Students shall gain the most of their educational experience by regularly attending and being on time to all classes.
  • Students shall be present in assigned or designated areas at all times.
  • Students shall follow proper check-in/check-out procedures.
  • Students shall obtain make-up assignments from the teacher due to an absence and return them according to classroom procedures.

The Role of the Parent

  • Parents shall avoid interruptions of the academic year and plan medical appointments and vacations at times that will not require students to be out of school.
  • Parents shall support school, district policies and state law by expecting regular attendance.
  • In the case of illness or other legitimate reasons for absences, the parent shall contact the attendance office within one week and notify the school of their student’s absence. After one week, the absence will remain unexcused.

Check-In and Check-Out Policy: Any student coming to school during the first 10 minutes will go directly to their first-period class. Any student coming to school after the first 10 minutes should go to the attendance office to check in. A parent note to check in will not be needed. *PLEASE NOTE our check-in, checkout and absence excusal procedures have changed. You may find tutorials on these procedures by clicking on the following links:

Educational Leave: Students may apply for up to 10 days of educational leave per school year. Students will obtain a leave form in the attendance office and complete and return the form before leaving on vacation.

Home and Hospital: When a doctor writes an order for a student to be out of school for over 10 school days, a parent or guardian needs to contact the Counseling Center to arrange for Home and Hospital teaching services. The doctor note must be provided to the Counseling Center before Home and Hospital instruction can begin.

Truancy Policy and Guidelines for Excessive Absenteeism:  Add Updated Polciy.

  • Compulsory Education Letter acknowledged with registration at the beginning of the year.
  • Administrator meets with the student to discuss attendance concerns.
  • Attendance Letter #2 may be sent home by the attendance office after a student misses 80+ classes.
  • Students may be sent to Truancy School for missing over 120 classes.
  • Note: Other consequences and interventions can take place at any time such as ASD, ISS, and counseling.

Withdrawal From School: When students move outside the state of Utah, they need to withdraw from Kelsey Peak. This process includes obtaining a withdrawal sheet from the attendance office, receiving clearance from each teacher, returning Chromebook and all textbooks, and paying fines/fees. Failure to complete all of these steps may result in delay or denial of academic credit.

 Attendance Code Definitions
Code Explanation Definition
A Absent The student was absent and the school received no call or note from the parent or guardian
C Check In/Out Same Period The student checked-in or out with a valid note or excuse from a parent or guardian
D In school suspension Student is placed in a detention at the school and is in attendance
E Excused Absence The student was absent and considered excused because of illness, medical appointment, death or funeral of a family member, wedding, court etc...
G Guardian Called The student was absent and is considered excused because the
parent or guardian called or provided a note with an excuse not considered excused by the court system
H Home & Hospital Student receiving schooling at home for two hours a week. The student must have doctor's note to approve Home and Hospital.
I Excused Check-In The student checked-in or out with a valid note or excuse from a parent or guardian
J Testing Student is in a school sponsored testing situation
K Detention/Crisis Center Student is currently in a court detention setting or a crisis treatment facility
L Excused/made-up tardy The student came to class or left early with a valid and verified excuse
N School Activity The student is out of class due to a school sponsored activity
O Check-Out The student checked-out with a parent, guardian, or individual listed on the Attendance Emergency Card ONLY!
S Suspension Student has been removed from the school setting for disciplinary reasons
T Tardy Up to 10 minutes late to class
U Unexcused check-in The student checked into school late with no excusal
V Vacation/Education
The student is absent due to a prearranged vacation or educational leave.
W Past 10 Minutes More than 10 minutes late to class
X/Y Administrative
Student was involved in a conference with a school counselor or administrator
Z Truant Student was truant and parents of school verified the truancy. This includes students leaving the school without checking out, not arriving at school as expected or missing any part or all of a scheduled class without permission.